Sunan an-Nasa’i – Hadith No : 5713

It was narrated that Mus’ab bin Sa’d said: “Sa’d had many grapevines and he had someone looking after them for him. (The vines) bore many grapes, and that man wrote to him (saying): ‘I am afraid that the grapes will be wasted; what do you think if I squeeze them to make juice? Sa’d wrote to him (saying): ‘When this letter of mine reaches you, leave my land, for by Allah I cannot trust you with anything ever agin.’ So he made him leave his land.”

Hadith In Arabic Text :

أخبرنا سويد، قال أنبأنا عبد الله، عن سفيان بن دينار، عن مصعب بن سعد، قال كان لسعد كروم وأعناب كثيرة وكان له فيها أمين فحملت عنبا كثيرا فكتب إليه إني أخاف على الأعناب الضيعة فإن رأيت أن أعصره عصرته فكتب إليه سعد إذا جاءك كتابي هذا فاعتزل ضيعتي فوالله لا أئتمنك على شىء بعده أبدا ‏.‏ فعزله عن ضيعته ‏.‏

Chapter : The Book of Drinks – كتاب الأشربة