Sunan an-Nasa’i – Hadith No : 2448

Abu Hurairah said: “The Messenger of Allah said: ‘(On the Day of Resurrection) camels will come to their owner in the best state of health that they ever had (in this world) and if he did not pay what was due on them, they will trample him with their hooves. Sheep willcome to their owner in the best state of health that they ever had (in this world) and if he did not pay what was due on them, they will trample him with their cloven hooves and gore him with their horns. And among their rights are that they should be milked with water in the front of them. I do not want any one of you to come on the Day of Resurrection with a groaning camel on his neck, saying , O Muhammad, and I will say: I cannot do anything for you, I conveyed the message. I do not want any one of you to come on the Day of Resurrection with a bleating sheep on his neck, saying, “O Muhammad,” and I will say: “I cannot do anything for you, I conveyed the message.” And on the Day of Resurrection the hoarded treasure of one of you will be a blad-headed Shujaa[1]from which its owner will flee, but it will chase him (saying), I am your hoarded treasure, and it will keep (chasing him) until he gives it his finger to swallow.”‘

Hadith In Arabic Text :

أخبرنا عمران بن بكار، قال حدثنا علي بن عياش، قال حدثنا شعيب، قال حدثني أبو الزناد، مما حدثه عبد الرحمن الأعرج، مما ذكر أنه سمع أبا هريرة، يحدث به قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏”‏ تأتي الإبل على ربها على خير ما كانت إذا هي لم يعط فيها حقها تطؤه بأخفافها وتأتي الغنم على ربها على خير ما كانت إذا لم يعط فيها حقها تطؤه بأظلافها وتنطحه بقرونها – قال – ومن حقها أن تحلب على الماء ألا لا يأتين أحدكم يوم القيامة ببعير يحمله على رقبته له رغاء فيقول يا محمد ‏.‏ فأقول لا أملك لك شيئا قد بلغت ‏.‏ ألا لا يأتين أحدكم يوم القيامة بشاة يحملها على رقبته لها يعار فيقول يا محمد ‏.‏ فأقول لا أملك لك شيئا قد بلغت – قال – ويكون كنز أحدهم يوم القيامة شجاعا أقرع يفر منه صاحبه ويطلبه أنا كنزك فلا يزال حتى يلقمه أصبعه ‏”‏ ‏.‏

Chapter : The Book of Zakah – كتاب الزكاة