Sunan an-Nasa’i – Hadith No : 1482

Abdullah bin ‘Amr said: “The sun eclipsed during the time of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) got up to pray, and those who were with him also got up. He stood for a long time, then he bowed for a long time, then he raised his head and (then) prostrated for a long time. Then he raised his head and sat for a long time. Then he prostrated for a long time, then he raised his head and stood up, and he did in the second rak’ah the same as he had done in the first, standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting. He started blowing and weeping at the end of his prostration in the second rak’ah, saying: ‘You did not tell me that You would do that while I was still among them; You d not tell me that You would do that while we are asking You for forgiveness.’ Then he raised his head and the eclipse ended. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) stood and addressed the people. He praised and glorified Allah then he said: “The sun and moon are two of the signs of Allah (SWT), the Mighty and Sublime. If you see either of them being eclipsed, then hasten to remember Allah (SWT), the Mighty and Sublime. By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, Paradise was brought so near to me that if I had stretched out my hand, I could have taken some of its fruits. And Hell was brought so near to me that I tried to ward it off for fear it may overwhelm you. I saw therein a woman from Himyar who was being punished because of a cat she tied up, not leaving it free to eat of the vermin of the earth, nor feeding it or giving it water, until it died. I saw it biting her when she came and biting her backside when she went. And I saw the owner of the Sabtiyatain, the brother of Banu As-Da’da, being pushed with a two-pronged stick in the Fire. And I saw the owner of the stick with a crooked end, who used to steal from the Hajj pilgrims with that crooked stick, leaning on his stick in Hell and saying: ‘I am the thief with the crooked stick.'”

Hadith In Arabic Text :

أخبرنا هلال بن بشر، قال حدثنا عبد العزيز بن عبد الصمد، عن عطاء بن السائب، قال حدثني أبي السائب، أن عبد الله بن عمرو، حدثه قال انكسفت الشمس على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقام رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى الصلاة وقام الذين معه فقام قياما فأطال القيام ثم ركع فأطال الركوع ثم رفع رأسه وسجد فأطال السجود ثم رفع رأسه وجلس فأطال الجلوس ثم سجد فأطال السجود ثم رفع رأسه وقام فصنع في الركعة الثانية مثل ما صنع في الركعة الأولى من القيام والركوع والسجود والجلوس فجعل ينفخ في آخر سجوده من الركعة الثانية ويبكي ويقول ‏”‏ لم تعدني هذا وأنا فيهم لم تعدني هذا ونحن نستغفرك ‏”‏ ‏.‏ ثم رفع رأسه وانجلت الشمس فقام رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فخطب الناس فحمد الله وأثنى عليه ثم قال ‏”‏ إن الشمس والقمر آيتان من آيات الله عز وجل فإذا رأيتم كسوف أحدهما فاسعوا إلى ذكر الله عز وجل والذي نفس محمد بيده لقد أدنيت الجنة مني حتى لو بسطت يدي لتعاطيت من قطوفها ولقد أدنيت النار مني حتى لقد جعلت أتقيها خشية أن تغشاكم حتى رأيت فيها امرأة من حمير تعذب في هرة ربطتها فلم تدعها تأكل من خشاش الأرض فلا هي أطعمتها ولا هي سقتها حتى ماتت فلقد رأيتها تنهشها إذا أقبلت وإذا ولت تنهش أليتها وحتى رأيت فيها صاحب السبتيتين أخا بني الدعداع يدفع بعصا ذات شعبتين في النار وحتى رأيت فيها صاحب المحجن الذي كان يسرق الحاج بمحجنه متكئا على محجنه في النار يقول أنا سارق المحجن ‏”‏ ‏.‏

Chapter : The Book of Eclipses – كتاب الكسوف