Narrated Ammar ibn Yasir: I came to my family at night (after a journey) with my hands chapped and they perfumed me with saffron. In the morning I went to the Prophet (ﷺ) and gave him a greeting, but he did not respond to me nor did he welcome me. He said: Go away and wash this off yourself. I then went away and washed it off me. I came to him but there remained a spot of it on me. I give him a greeting, but he did not respond to me nor did he welcome me. He said: Go away and wash it off yourself. I then went away and washed it off me. I then came and gave him a greeting. He responded to me and welcomed me, saying: The angels do not attend the funeral of an unbeliever bringing good to it, nor a man who smears himself with saffron, nor a man who is sexually defiled. He said: He permitted the man who was sexually defiled to perform ablution when he slept, ate or drank.
Hadith In Arabic Text :
حدثنا موسى بن إسماعيل، حدثنا حماد، أخبرنا عطاء الخراساني، عن يحيى بن يعمر، عن عمار بن ياسر، قال قدمت على أهلي ليلا وقد تشققت يداى فخلقوني بزعفران فغدوت على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فسلمت عليه فلم يرد على ولم يرحب بي فقال ” اذهب فاغسل هذا عنك ” . فذهبت فغسلته ثم جئت وقد بقي على منه ردع فسلمت فلم يرد على ولم يرحب بي وقال ” اذهب فاغسل هذا عنك ” . فذهبت فغسلته ثم جئت فسلمت عليه فرد على ورحب بي وقال ” إن الملائكة لا تحضر جنازة الكافر بخير ولا المتضمخ بالزعفران ولا الجنب ” . قال ورخص للجنب إذا نام أو أكل أو شرب أن يتوضأ .
Chapter : Combing the Hair (Kitab Al-Tarajjul) – كتاب الترجل