Al Miswar bin Makhramah said : The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came out in the year of al-Hudaibbiyyah with over ten hundreds of Companions and when he came to Dhu al Hulaifah. He garlanded and marked the sacrificial animals, and entered the sacred state of Umrah. He then went on with the tradition. The Prophet moved on and when he came to the mountain, pass by which one descends (to Mecca) to them, his riding-beast knelt down, and the people said twice: Go on, go on, al-Qaswa has become jaded. The Prophet (May peace be upon him) said: She has not become jaded and that is not a characteristic of hers, but He Who restrained the elephant has restrained her. He then said: By Him in Whose hand my soul is, they will not ask any me good thing by which they honor which God has made sacred without my giving them it. He then urged her and she leaped up and he turned aside from them, and stopped at the farthest side of al-Hudaibiyyah at a pool with little water. Meanwhile Budail bin Warqa al-Khuza’I came, and ‘Urwah bin Mas’ud joined him. He began to speak to the Prophet (ﷺ). Whenever he spoke to the Prophet (ﷺ), he caught his beard. Al Mughriah bin Shu’bah was standing beside the Prophet (ﷺ).He had a sword with him, wearing a helmet. He (Al Mughriah) struck his (‘Urwah’s) hand with the lower end of his sheath, and said: Keep away your hand from his beard. ‘Urwah then raised his hand and asked: Who is this? They replied: Al-Mughirah bin Shu’bah. He said: O treacherous one! Did I not use my offices in your treachery? In pre-Islamic days Al-Mughirah bin Shu’bah accompanied some people and murdered them, and took their property. He then came (to the Prophet) and embraced Islam. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: As for Islam we accepted it, but as to the property, as it has been taken by treachery, we have no need of it. He went on with the tradition the Prophet (ﷺ) said: Write down: This is what Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, has decided. He then narrated the tradition. Suhail then said: And that a man will not come to you from us, even if he follows your religion, without you sending him back to us. When he finished drawing up the document, the Prophet (ﷺ) said to his Companions: Get up and sacrifice and then shave. Thereafter some believing women who were immigrants came. (Allah sent down: O yea who believe, when believing women come to you as emigrants). Allah most high forbade them to send them back, but ordered them to restore the dower. He then returned to Medina. Abu Basir a man from the Quraish (who was a Muslim), came to him. And they sent (two men) to look for him; so he handed him over to the two men. They took him away, and when they reached Dhu Al Hulaifah and alighted to eat some dates which they had, Abu Basir said to one of the men : I swear by Allah so-and-so, that I think this sword of yours is a fine one; the other drew the sword and said : Yes I have tried it. Abu Basir said: Let me look at it. He let him have it and he struck him till he died, whereupon the other fled and came to Medina, and running entered the mosque. The Prophet ( may peace be upon him) said: This man has seen something frightful. He said: I swear by Allah that my Companion has been killed, and im as good as dead. Abu Basir then arrived and said: Allah has fulfilled your covenant. You returned me to them, but Allah saved me from them. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Woe to his mother, stirrer up of war! Would that he had someone (i.e. some kinsfolk). When he heard that he knew that he would send him back to them, so he went out and came to the seashore. Abu Jandal escaped and joined Abu Basir till a band of them collected.
Hadith In Arabic Text :
حدثنا محمد بن عبيد، أن محمد بن ثور، حدثهم عن معمر، عن الزهري، عن عروة بن الزبير، عن المسور بن مخرمة، قال خرج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم زمن الحديبية في بضع عشرة مائة من أصحابه حتى إذا كانوا بذي الحليفة قلد الهدى وأشعره وأحرم بالعمرة . وساق الحديث قال وسار النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم حتى إذا كان بالثنية التي يهبط عليهم منها بركت به راحلته فقال الناس حل حل خلأت القصواء . مرتين فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ” ما خلأت وما ذلك لها بخلق ولكن حبسها حابس الفيل ” . ثم قال ” والذي نفسي بيده لا يسألوني اليوم خطة يعظمون بها حرمات الله إلا أعطيتهم إياها ” . ثم زجرها فوثبت فعدل عنهم حتى نزل بأقصى الحديبية على ثمد قليل الماء فجاءه بديل بن ورقاء الخزاعي ثم أتاه – يعني عروة بن مسعود – فجعل يكلم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فكلما كلمه أخذ بلحيته والمغيرة بن شعبة قائم على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ومعه السيف وعليه المغفر فضرب يده بنعل السيف وقال أخر يدك عن لحيته . فرفع عروة رأسه فقال من هذا قالوا المغيرة بن شعبة . فقال أى غدر أولست أسعى في غدرتك وكان المغيرة صحب قوما في الجاهلية فقتلهم وأخذ أموالهم ثم جاء فأسلم فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ” أما الإسلام فقد قبلنا وأما المال فإنه مال غدر لا حاجة لنا فيه ” . فذكر الحديث فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ” اكتب هذا ما قاضى عليه محمد رسول الله ” . وقص الخبر فقال سهيل وعلى أنه لا يأتيك منا رجل وإن كان على دينك إلا رددته إلينا . فلما فرغ من قضية الكتاب قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لأصحابه ” قوموا فانحروا ثم احلقوا ” . ثم جاء نسوة مؤمنات مهاجرات الآية فنهاهم الله أن يردوهن وأمرهم أن يردوا الصداق ثم رجع إلى المدينة فجاءه أبو بصير رجل من قريش – يعني فأرسلوا في طلبه – فدفعه إلى الرجلين فخرجا به حتى إذا بلغا ذا الحليفة نزلوا يأكلون من تمر لهم فقال أبو بصير لأحد الرجلين والله إني لأرى سيفك هذا يا فلان جيدا . فاستله الآخر فقال أجل قد جربت به فقال أبو بصير أرني أنظر إليه فأمكنه منه فضربه حتى برد وفر الآخر حتى أتى المدينة فدخل المسجد يعدو فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ” لقد رأى هذا ذعرا ” . فقال قد قتل والله صاحبي وإني لمقتول فجاء أبو بصير فقال قد أوفى الله ذمتك فقد رددتني إليهم ثم نجاني الله منهم . فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ” ويل أمه مسعر حرب لو كان له أحد ” . فلما سمع ذلك عرف أنه سيرده إليهم فخرج حتى أتى سيف البحر وينفلت أبو جندل فلحق بأبي بصير حتى اجتمعت منهم عصابة .
Chapter : Jihad (Kitab Al-Jihad) – كتاب الجهاد