Sunan Abi Da’ud – Hadith No : 1925

Usamah bin Zaid said: The Apostle of Allaah(ﷺ) returned from ‘Arafah. When he came to the mountain path , he alighted, urinated and performed the ablution, but he did not perform it completely. I said to him Prayer? He said “The prayer will be offered ahead of you.” He then mounted. When he reached Al Muzdalifah he alighted performed the ablution, performed it well. Thereafter iqamah for the prayer was called and he offered the sunset prayer. Then everyone made his Camel kneel down at his place. Iqamah was then called for night prayer and he offered it but he did not pray between them.

Hadith In Arabic Text :

حدثنا عبد الله بن مسلمة، عن مالك، عن موسى بن عقبة، عن كريب، مولى عبد الله بن عباس عن أسامة بن زيد، أنه سمعه يقول دفع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من عرفة حتى إذا كان بالشعب نزل فبال فتوضأ ولم يسبغ الوضوء قلت له الصلاة ‏.‏ فقال ‏”‏ الصلاة أمامك ‏”‏ ‏.‏ فركب فلما جاء المزدلفة نزل فتوضأ فأسبغ الوضوء ثم أقيمت الصلاة فصلى المغرب ثم أناخ كل إنسان بعيره في منزله ثم أقيمت العشاء فصلاها ولم يصل بينهما شيئا ‏.‏

Chapter : The Rites of Hajj (Kitab Al-Manasik Wa’l-Hajj) – كتاب المناسك