Sahih Muslim – Hadith No : 7716

‘A’isha said in connection with His words (those of Allah): ” What is recited to you in the Book about orphan women whom you give not what is ordained for them, while you like to marry them,” these were revealed in connection with an orphan girl who was in the charge of the person and she shared with him in his property and he was reluctant to marry her himself and was also unwilling to marry her to someone else (fearing) that (that person) would share in his property (as the husband of that girl), preventing her to marry, neither marrying her himself nor marrying her to another person.

Hadith In Arabic Text :

حدثنا أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة، حدثنا عبدة بن سليمان، عن هشام، عن أبيه، عن عائشة، في قوله ‏{‏ وما يتلى عليكم في الكتاب في يتامى النساء اللاتي لا تؤتونهن ما كتب لهن وترغبون أن تنكحوهن‏}‏ قالت أنزلت في اليتيمة تكون عند الرجل فتشركه في ماله فيرغب عنها أن يتزوجها ويكره أن يزوجها غيره فيشركه في ماله فيعضلها فلا يتزوجها ولا يزوجها غيره ‏.‏

Chapter : The Book of Commentary – كتاب التفسير