Sahih Muslim – Hadith No : 7568

‘Abdullah b. ‘Amr reported that a person came to him and said: What is this hadith that you narrate that the Last Hour would come at such and such time? Thereupon he said: Hallowed be Allah, there is no god but Allah (or the words to the same effect). I have decided that I would not narrate anything to anyone now. I had only said that you would see after some time an important event that the (sacred) House (Ka’ba) would be burnt and it would happen and definitely happen. He then reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The Dajjal would appear in my Ummah and he would stay (in the world) for forty-I cannot say whether he meant forty days, forty months or forty years. And Allah would then send Jesus son of Mary who would resemble ‘Urwa b Mas’ud. He (Jesus Christ) would chase him and kill him. Then people would live for seven years that there would be no ran. cour between two persons. Then Allah would send cold wind from the side of Syria that none would survive upon the earth having a speck of good in him or faith in him but he would die, so much so that even if some amongst you were to enter the innermost part of the mountain, this wind would reach that place also and that would cause his heath. I heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Only the wicked people would survive and they would be as careless as birds with the charactertistics of beasts. They would never appreciate the good nor condemn evil. Then the Satan would come to them in human form and would say: Don’t you respond? And they would say: What do you order us? And he would command them to worship the idols but, in spite of this, they would have abundance of sustenance and lead comfortable lives. Then the trumpet would be blown and no one would hear that but he would bend hfs neck to one side and raise it from the other side and the first one to hear that trumpet would be the person who would be busy in setting right the tank meant for providing water to the camels. He would swoon and the other people would also swoon, then Allah would send or He would cause to send rain which would be like dew and there would grow out of it the bodies of the people. Then the second trumpet would be blown and they would stand up and begin to look (around). Then it would be said: O people, go to your Lord, and make them stand there. And they would be questioned. Then it would be said: Bring out a group (out of them) for the Hell-Fire. And then it would be asked: How much? It would be said: Nine hundred and ninty-nine out of one thousand for the Hell-Fire and that would be the day which would make the children old because of its terror and that would be the day about which it has been said:” On the day when the shank would be uncovered” (lxviii. 42).

Hadith In Arabic Text :

حدثنا عبيد الله بن معاذ العنبري، حدثنا أبي، حدثنا شعبة، عن النعمان بن سالم، قال سمعت يعقوب بن عاصم بن عروة بن مسعود الثقفي، يقول سمعت عبد الله بن عمرو، وجاءه رجل فقال ما هذا الحديث الذي تحدث به تقول إن الساعة تقوم إلى كذا وكذا ‏.‏ فقال سبحان الله – أو لا إله إلا الله أو كلمة نحوهما – لقد هممت أن لا أحدث أحدا شيئا أبدا إنما قلت إنكم سترون بعد قليل أمرا عظيما يحرق البيت ويكون ويكون ثم قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏”‏ يخرج الدجال في أمتي فيمكث أربعين – لا أدري أربعين يوما أو أربعين شهرا أو أربعين عاما – فيبعث الله عيسى ابن مريم كأنه عروة بن مسعود فيطلبه فيهلكه ثم يمكث الناس سبع سنين ليس بين اثنين عداوة ثم يرسل الله ريحا باردة من قبل الشأم فلا يبقى على وجه الأرض أحد في قلبه مثقال ذرة من خير أو إيمان إلا قبضته حتى لو أن أحدكم دخل في كبد جبل لدخلته عليه حتى تقبضه ‏”‏ ‏.‏ قال سمعتها من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال ‏”‏ فيبقى شرار الناس في خفة الطير وأحلام السباع لا يعرفون معروفا ولا ينكرون منكرا فيتمثل لهم الشيطان فيقول ألا تستجيبون فيقولون فما تأمرنا فيأمرهم بعبادة الأوثان وهم في ذلك دار رزقهم حسن عيشهم ثم ينفخ في الصور فلا يسمعه أحد إلا أصغى ليتا ورفع ليتا – قال – وأول من يسمعه رجل يلوط حوض إبله – قال – فيصعق ويصعق الناس ثم يرسل الله – أو قال ينزل الله – مطرا كأنه الطل أو الظل – نعمان الشاك – فتنبت منه أجساد الناس ثم ينفخ فيه أخرى فإذا هم قيام ينظرون ثم يقال يا أيها الناس هلم إلى ربكم ‏.‏ وقفوهم إنهم مسئولون – قال – ثم يقال أخرجوا بعث النار فيقال من كم فيقال من كل ألف تسعمائة وتسعة وتسعين – قال – فذاك يوم يجعل الولدان شيبا وذلك يوم يكشف عن ساق ‏”‏ ‏.‏

Chapter : The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour – كتاب الفتن وأشراط الساعة