Sahih Muslim – Hadith No : 7544

Nafi’ reported that Ibn ‘Umar said: I met lbn Sayyad twice and said to some of them (his friends): You state that it was he (the Dajjal). He said: By Allah, it is not so. I said: You have not told me the truth; by Allah some of you informed me that he would not die until he would have the largest number of offspring and huge wealth and it is he about whom it is thought so. Then Ibn Sayyad talked to us. I then departed and met him again for the second time and his eye had been swollen. I said: What has happened to your eye? He said: I do not know. I said: This is in your head and you do not know about it? He said: If Allah so wills He can create it (eye) in your staff. He then produced a sound like the braying of a donkey. Some of my companions thought that I had struck him with the staff as he was with me that the staff broke into pieces, but, by Allah, I was not conscious of it. He then came to the Mother of the Faithful (Hafsa) and narrated it to her and she said: What concern you have with him? Don’t you know that Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) said that the first thing (by the incitement of which) he would come out before the public would be his anger?

Hadith In Arabic Text :

حدثنا محمد بن المثنى، حدثنا حسين، – يعني ابن حسن بن يسار – حدثنا ابن، عون عن نافع، قال كان نافع يقول ابن صياد ‏.‏ قال قال ابن عمر لقيته مرتين – قال – فلقيته فقلت لبعضهم هل تحدثون أنه هو قال لا والله – قال – قلت كذبتني والله لقد أخبرني بعضكم أنه لن يموت حتى يكون أكثركم مالا وولدا فكذلك هو زعموا اليوم – قال – فتحدثنا ثم فارقته – قال – فلقيته لقية أخرى وقد نفرت عينه – قال – فقلت متى فعلت عينك ما أرى قال لا أدري – قال – قلت لا تدري وهي في رأسك قال إن شاء الله خلقها في عصاك هذه ‏.‏ قال فنخر كأشد نخير حمار سمعت – قال – فزعم بعض أصحابي أني ضربته بعصا كانت معي حتى تكسرت وأما أنا فوالله ما شعرت – قال – وجاء حتى دخل على أم المؤمنين فحدثها فقالت ما تريد إليه ألم تعلم أنه قد قال ‏”‏ إن أول ما يبعثه على الناس غضب يغضبه ‏”‏ ‏.‏

Chapter : The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour – كتاب الفتن وأشراط الساعة