Abu Sa’id Khudri reported: We came back after having pewrformed Pilgrimage or ‘Umra and lbn Sa’id was along with us. And w, e encamped at a place and the people dispersed and I and he were left behind. I felt terribly frightend from him as it was said about him that he was the Dajjal. He brought his goods and placed them by my luggage and I said: It is intense heat. Would you not place that under that tree? And he did that. Then ther appeared before us a flock of sheep. He went and brought a cup of milk and said: Abu Sa’id, drink that. I said it is intense heat and the milk is also hot (whereas the fact was) that I did not like to drink from his hands or to opr to take it from his hand and he said: Abu Sa’id, I think that I should take a rope and suspend it by the tree and then coimmit sucide because of the talks of the people, and he furtlier said. Abu Sa’id he who is ingnoran of the saying of Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) (he is to be pardoned), but O people of Ansar, is this hadith of Allah’s Messengern (may peace be upon him) concealed from you whereas you have the best konowledge of t this hadith of Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) amongst people? Did Allalt’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) not say that he (Dajjal) would be a non believer whereas I am a believer? did Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) not say he would be barren and no child would be born to hirn, whereas I have left my children in Medina? Did Allh’s Messenger (may peace upon him) not say: He would not get into Medina and Mecca whereas I have been coming from Medina and now I intend to go to Mecca? Abu Sa’id said: I was about to accept the excuse put forward by him. that he said: I know the place where he would be born and where he is now. So I said to him: May your whole dayb be spent
Hadith In Arabic Text :
حدثنا محمد بن المثنى، حدثنا سالم بن نوح، أخبرني الجريري، عن أبي نضرة، عن أبي سعيد الخدري، قال خرجنا حجاجا أو عمارا ومعنا ابن صائد – قال – فنزلنا منزلا فتفرق الناس وبقيت أنا وهو فاستوحشت منه وحشة شديدة مما يقال عليه – قال – وجاء بمتاعه فوضعه مع متاعي . فقلت إن الحر شديد فلو وضعته تحت تلك الشجرة – قال – ففعل – قال – فرفعت لنا غنم فانطلق فجاء بعس فقال اشرب أبا سعيد . فقلت إن الحر شديد واللبن حار . ما بي إلا أني أكره أن أشرب عن يده – أو قال آخذ عن يده – فقال أبا سعيد لقد هممت أن آخذ حبلا فأعلقه بشجرة ثم أختنق مما يقول لي الناس يا أبا سعيد من خفي عليه حديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ما خفي عليكم معشر الأنصار ألست من أعلم الناس بحديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أليس قد قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ” هو كافر ” . وأنا مسلم أوليس قد قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ” هو عقيم لا يولد له ” . وقد تركت ولدي بالمدينة أو ليس قد قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ” لا يدخل المدينة ولا مكة ” . وقد أقبلت من المدينة وأنا أريد مكة قال أبو سعيد الخدري حتى كدت أن أعذره . ثم قال أما والله إني لأعرفه وأعرف مولده وأين هو الآن . قال قلت له تبا لك سائر اليوم .
Chapter : The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour – كتاب الفتن وأشراط الساعة