Hadith In Arabic Text :
حدثنا أحمد بن يونس، حدثنا زهير، حدثنا أبو الزبير، عن جابر، ح
Chapter : The Book of Games and the Animals which May be Slaughtered and the Aninals that Are to be Eaten – كتاب الصيد والذبائح وما يؤكل من الحيوان
Hadith In Arabic Text :
حدثنا أحمد بن يونس، حدثنا زهير، حدثنا أبو الزبير، عن جابر، ح
Chapter : The Book of Games and the Animals which May be Slaughtered and the Aninals that Are to be Eaten – كتاب الصيد والذبائح وما يؤكل من الحيوان
Narrated Al-Bara: The bowing, the prostration the sitting in between the two prostrations and the standing after the bowing of
Abu’Uthman al-Nahdl said that he offered the sunset prayer behind Ibn mas’ud, when he recited “Say: He is Allah, the
Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri narrated that : Allah’s Messenger said: “Perform Witr before the morning comes upon you.” Hadith In Arabic
Hadith In Arabic Text : قال سمعت قتيبة، حدثنا وكيع بن الجراح، عن رجل، عن ثور بن يزيد، أن النبي
This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of Rafi from the Prophet (may peace be upon him) about this,
It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: “The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: ‘The perfume for men is that whose