Sahih Muslim – Hadith No : 3178

‘A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Sauda (the wife of the Holy Prophet) who was bulky sought the permission of Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the night of Muzdalifa to move from (that place) ahead of him and before the multitude (set forth). He (Allah’s Apostle) gave her the permission. So she set forth before his (Holy Prophet’s) departure. But we stayed there until it was dawn and we moved on, when he departed. And if I were to seek the permission of Allah’s Messenger. (may peace be upon him) as Sauda had sought permission, I could have also gone with his permission and it would have been better for me than that for which I was happy.

Hadith In Arabic Text :

وحدثنا عبد الله بن مسلمة بن قعنب، حدثنا أفلح، – يعني ابن حميد – عن القاسم، عن عائشة، أنها قالت استأذنت سودة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ليلة المزدلفة تدفع قبله وقبل حطمة الناس وكانت امرأة ثبطة – يقول القاسم والثبطة الثقيلة – قال فأذن لها فخرجت قبل دفعه وحبسنا حتى أصبحنا فدفعنا بدفعه ولأن أكون استأذنت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كما استأذنته سودة فأكون أدفع بإذنه أحب إلى من مفروح به ‏.‏

Chapter : The Book of Pilgrimage – كتاب الحج