Sahih Muslim – Hadith No : 2530

‘Abd al-Muttalib b. Rabi’a b. al-Harith reported that Rabi’a b. al-Harith and Abbas b. Abd al-Muttalib gathered together and said: By Allah, if we had sent these two young boys (i. e. I and Fadl b. ‘Abbas) to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and they had spoken to him, he would have appointed them (as the collectors) of these sadaqat; and they would (collect them) and pay (to the Holy Prophet) as other people (collectors) paid and would get a share as other people got it. As they were talking about it there came ‘Ali b. Abu Talib and stood before them, and they made a mention of it to him. ‘Ali b. Abu Talib said: Don’t do that; by Allah he (the Holy Prophet) would not do that (would not accept your request). Rabi’a b. Harith turned to him and said: By Allah, you are not doing so but out of jealousy that you nurse against us By Allah, you became the son-in-law of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) but we felt no jealousy against you (for this great privilege of yours). ‘Ali then said: Send them (if you like). They set out and ‘Ali lay on the bed. When the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) offered the noon prayer. we went ahead of him to his apartment and stood near it till he came out. He took hold of our ears (out of love and affection) and then said: Give out what you have kept in your hearts. He then entered (the apartment) and we also went in and he (the Holy Prophet) was on that day (in the house of) Zainab b. jahsh. We urged each (of us) to speak. Then one of us thus spoke: Messenger of Allah, you are the best of humanity and the best to cement the ties of blood-relations. We have reached the-marriageable age. We have come (to you) so that you may appoint us (as collectors) of these sadaqat. and we would pay you just as thin people (other collectors) pay you, and get our share as others get it. He (the Holy Prophet) kept silence for a long time till we wished that we should speak with him (again), and Zainab pointied to us from behind the curtain not to talk (any more). He (the Holy Prophet) said; It does not become the family of Muhammad (to accept) sadaqat for they are the impurities of people. You call to me Mahmiya (and he was in charge of khums, i. e, of the one-fifth part that goes to the treasury out of the spoils of war), and Naufal b. Harith b. ‘Abd al-Muttalib. They both came to him, and he (the Holy Prophet) said to Mahmiya: Marry your daughter to this young man (i. e. Fadl b. ‘Abbas), and he married her to him And he said to Naufal b. Harith: Marry your daughter to this young man (i e. ‘Abd al-Muttalib b. Rabi’a, the narrator of this hadith) and he married her to me, and he said to Mahmiya: Pay so much mahr on behalf of both of them from this khums Zuhri, however. said: He did not determine (the amount of mahr).

Hadith In Arabic Text :

حدثني عبد الله بن محمد بن أسماء الضبعي، حدثنا جويرية، عن مالك، عن الزهري، أن عبد الله بن عبد الله بن نوفل بن الحارث بن عبد المطلب، حدثه أن عبد المطلب بن ربيعة بن الحارث حدثه قال اجتمع ربيعة بن الحارث والعباس بن عبد المطلب فقالا والله لو بعثنا هذين الغلامين – قالا لي وللفضل بن عباس – إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فكلماه فأمرهما على هذه الصدقات فأديا ما يؤدي الناس وأصابا مما يصيب الناس – قال – فبينما هما في ذلك جاء علي بن أبي طالب فوقف عليهما فذكرا له ذلك فقال علي بن أبي طالب لا تفعلا فوالله ما هو بفاعل ‏.‏ فانتحاه ربيعة بن الحارث فقال والله ما تصنع هذا إلا نفاسة منك علينا فوالله لقد نلت صهر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فما نفسناه عليك ‏.‏ قال علي أرسلوهما ‏.‏ فانطلقا واضطجع علي – قال – فلما صلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم الظهر سبقناه إلى الحجرة فقمنا عندها حتى جاء فأخذ بآذاننا ‏.‏ ثم قال ‏”‏ أخرجا ما تصرران ‏”‏ ثم دخل ودخلنا عليه وهو يومئذ عند زينب بنت جحش – قال – فتواكلنا الكلام ثم تكلم أحدنا فقال يا رسول الله أنت أبر الناس وأوصل الناس وقد بلغنا النكاح فجئنا لتؤمرنا على بعض هذه الصدقات فنؤدي إليك كما يؤدي الناس ونصيب كما يصيبون – قال – فسكت طويلا حتى أردنا أن نكلمه – قال – وجعلت زينب تلمع علينا من وراء الحجاب أن لا تكلماه – قال – ثم قال ‏”‏ إن الصدقة لا تنبغي لآل محمد ‏.‏ إنما هي أوساخ الناس ادعوا لي محمية – وكان على الخمس – ونوفل بن الحارث بن عبد المطلب ‏”‏ ‏.‏ قال فجاءاه فقال لمحمية ‏”‏ أنكح هذا الغلام ابنتك ‏”‏ ‏.‏ للفضل بن عباس فأنكحه وقال لنوفل بن الحارث ‏”‏ أنكح هذا الغلام ابنتك ‏”‏ ‏.‏ لي فأنكحني وقال لمحمية ‏”‏ أصدق عنهما من الخمس كذا وكذا ‏”‏ ‏.‏ قال الزهري ولم يسمه لي ‏.‏

Chapter : The Book of Zakat – كتاب الزكاة