Sahih Bukhari – Hadith No : 4666

Narrated Sa`id bin Al-Musaiyab: Bahira is a she-camel whose milk is kept for the idols and nobody is allowed to milk it; Sa’iba was the she-camel which they used to set free for their gods and nothing was allowed to be carried on it. Abu Huraira said: Allah’s Apostle said, “I saw `Amr bin ‘Amir Al-Khuza`i (in a dream) dragging his intestines in the Fire, and he was the first person to establish the tradition of setting free the animals (for the sake of their deities),” Wasila is the she-camel which gives birth to a she-camel as its first delivery, and then gives birth to another she-camel as its second delivery. People (in the Pre-lslamic periods of ignorance) used to let that she camel loose for their idols if it gave birth to two she-camels successively without giving birth to a male camel in between. ‘Ham’ was the male camel which was used for copulation. When it had finished the number of copulations assigned for it, they would let it loose for their idols and excuse it from burdens so that nothing would be carried on it, and they called it the ‘Hami.’ Abu Huraira said, “I heard the Prophet saying so.”

Hadith In Arabic Text :

حدثنا موسى بن إسماعيل، حدثنا إبراهيم بن سعد، عن صالح بن كيسان، عن ابن شهاب، عن سعيد بن المسيب، قال البحيرة التي يمنع درها للطواغيت فلا يحلبها أحد من الناس‏.‏ والسائبة كانوا يسيبونها لآلهتهم لا يحمل عليها شىء‏.‏ قال وقال أبو هريرة قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏”‏ رأيت عمرو بن عامر الخزاعي يجر قصبه في النار، كان أول من سيب السوائب ‏”‏‏.‏ والوصيلة الناقة البكر تبكر في أول نتاج الإبل، ثم تثني بعد بأنثى‏.‏ وكانوا يسيبونهم لطواغيتهم إن وصلت إحداهما بالأخرى ليس بينهما ذكر‏.‏ والحام فحل الإبل يضرب الضراب المعدود، فإذا قضى ضرابه ودعوه للطواغيت وأعفوه من الحمل فلم يحمل عليه شىء وسموه الحامي‏.‏

Chapter : Prophetic Commentary on the Qur’an (Tafseer of the Prophet (pbuh)) – كتاب التفسير