Sahih Bukhari – Hadith No : 4573

Narrated Mujahi: (regarding the Verse):– “Those of you who die and leave wives behind. They – (their wives) — shall wait (as regards their marriage ) for four months and ten days).” (2.234) The widow, according to this Verse, was to spend this period of waiting with her husband’s family, so Allah revealed: “Those of you who die and leave wives (i.e. widows) should bequeath for their wives, a year’s maintenance and residences without turning them out, but if they leave (their residence), there is no blame on you for what they do with themselves provided it is honorable.’ (i.e. lawful marriage) (2.240). So Allah entitled the widow to be bequeathed extra maintenance for seven months and twenty nights, and that is the completion of one year. If she wished she could stay (in her husband’s home) according to the will, and she could leave it if she wished, as Allah says: “..without turning them out, but if they leave (the residence), there is no blame on you.” So the ‘Idda (i.e. four months and ten days as it) is obligatory for her. ‘Ata said: Ibn `Abbas said, “This Verse, i.e. the Statement of Allah: “..without turning them out..” cancelled the obligation of staying for the waiting period in her dead husband’s house, and she can complete this period wherever she likes.” ‘Ata’s aid: If she wished, she could complete her ‘Idda by staying in her dead husband’s residence according to the will or leave it according to Allah’s Statement:– “There is no blame on you for what they do with themselves.” `Ata’ added: Later the regulations of inheritance came and abrogated the order of the dwelling of the widow (in her dead husband’s house), so she could complete the ‘Idda wherever she likes. And it was no longer necessary to provide her with a residence. Ibn `Abbas said, “This Verse abrogated her (i.e. widow’s) dwelling in her dead husband’s house and she could complete the ‘Idda (i.e. four months and ten days) wherever she liked, as Allah’s Statement says:–“…without turning them out…”

Hadith In Arabic Text :

حدثنا إسحاق، حدثنا روح، حدثنا شبل، عن ابن أبي نجيح، عن مجاهد، ‏{‏والذين يتوفون منكم ويذرون أزواجا‏}‏ قال كانت هذه العدة تعتد عند أهل زوجها واجب، فأنزل الله ‏{‏والذين يتوفون منكم ويذرون أزواجا وصية لأزواجهم متاعا إلى الحول غير إخراج فإن خرجن فلا جناح عليكم فيما فعلن في أنفسهن من معروف‏}‏ قال جعل الله لها تمام السنة سبعة أشهر وعشرين ليلة وصية، إن شاءت سكنت في وصيتها، وإن شاءت خرجت، وهو قول الله تعالى ‏{‏غير إخراج فإن خرجن فلا جناح عليكم‏}‏ فالعدة كما هي واجب عليها‏.‏ زعم ذلك عن مجاهد‏.‏ وقال عطاء قال ابن عباس نسخت هذه الآية عدتها عند أهلها، فتعتد حيث شاءت، وهو قول الله تعالى ‏{‏غير إخراج‏}‏‏.‏ قال عطاء إن شاءت اعتدت عند أهله وسكنت في وصيتها، وإن شاءت خرجت لقول الله تعالى ‏{‏فلا جناح عليكم فيما فعلن‏}‏‏.‏ قال عطاء ثم جاء الميراث فنسخ السكنى فتعتد حيث شاءت، ولا سكنى لها‏.‏ وعن محمد بن يوسف حدثنا ورقاء عن ابن أبي نجيح عن مجاهد بهذا‏.‏ وعن ابن أبي نجيح عن عطاء عن ابن عباس قال نسخت هذه الآية عدتها في أهلها، فتعتد حيث شاءت لقول الله ‏{‏غير إخراج‏}‏ نحوه‏.‏

Chapter : Prophetic Commentary on the Qur’an (Tafseer of the Prophet (pbuh)) – كتاب التفسير