Sahih Bukhari – Hadith No : 4415

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet sent some cavalry towards Najd and they brought a man from the tribe of Banu Hanifa who was called Thumama bin Uthal. They fastened him to one of the pillars of the Mosque. The Prophet went to him and said, “What have you got, O Thumama?” He replied,” I have got a good thought, O Muhammad! If you should kill me, you would kill a person who has already killed somebody, and if you should set me free, you would do a favor to one who is grateful, and if you want property, then ask me whatever wealth you want.” He was left till the next day when the Prophet said to him, “What have you got, Thumama? He said, “What I told you, i.e. if you set me free, you would do a favor to one who is grateful.” The Prophet left him till the day after, when he said, “What have you got, O Thumama?” He said, “I have got what I told you. “On that the Prophet said, “Release Thumama.” So he (i.e. Thumama) went to a garden of date-palm trees near to the Mosque, took a bath and then entered the Mosque and said, “I testify that None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, and also testify that Muhammad is His Apostle! By Allah, O Muhammad! There was no face on the surface of the earth most disliked by me than yours, but now your face has become the most beloved face to me. By Allah, there was no religion most disliked by me than yours, but now it is the most beloved religion to me. By Allah, there was no town most disliked by me than your town, but now it is the most beloved town to me. Your cavalry arrested me (at the time) when I was intending to perform the `Umra. And now what do you think?” The Prophet gave him good tidings (congratulated him) and ordered him to perform the `Umra. So when he came to Mecca, someone said to him, “You have become a Sabian?” Thumama replied, “No! By Allah, I have embraced Islam with Muhammad, Apostle of Allah. No, by Allah! Not a single grain of wheat will come to you from Jamaica unless the Prophet gives his permission.”

Hadith In Arabic Text :

حدثنا عبد الله بن يوسف، حدثنا الليث، قال حدثني سعيد بن أبي سعيد، أنه سمع أبا هريرة رضى الله عنه قال بعث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم خيلا قبل نجد، فجاءت برجل من بني حنيفة يقال له ثمامة بن أثال، فربطوه بسارية من سواري المسجد، فخرج إليه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال ‏”‏ ما عندك يا ثمامة ‏”‏‏.‏ فقال عندي خير يا محمد، إن تقتلني تقتل ذا دم، وإن تنعم تنعم على شاكر، وإن كنت تريد المال فسل منه ما شئت‏.‏ حتى كان الغد ثم قال له ‏”‏ ما عندك يا ثمامة ‏”‏‏.‏ قال ما قلت لك إن تنعم تنعم على شاكر‏.‏ فتركه حتى كان بعد الغد، فقال ‏”‏ ما عندك يا ثمامة ‏”‏‏.‏ فقال عندي ما قلت لك‏.‏ فقال ‏”‏ أطلقوا ثمامة ‏”‏، فانطلق إلى نخل قريب من المسجد فاغتسل ثم دخل المسجد فقال أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، وأشهد أن محمدا رسول الله، يا محمد والله ما كان على الأرض وجه أبغض إلى من وجهك، فقد أصبح وجهك أحب الوجوه إلى، والله ما كان من دين أبغض إلى من دينك، فأصبح دينك أحب الدين إلى، والله ما كان من بلد أبغض إلى من بلدك، فأصبح بلدك أحب البلاد إلى، وإن خيلك أخذتني وأنا أريد العمرة، فماذا ترى فبشره رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وأمره أن يعتمر، فلما قدم مكة قال له قائل صبوت‏.‏ قال لا، ولكن أسلمت مع محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، ولا والله لا يأتيكم من اليمامة حبة حنطة حتى يأذن فيها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم‏.‏

Chapter : Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Maghaazi) – كتاب المغازى