Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet sent a Sariya of spies and appointed `Asim bin Thabit, the grandfather of `Asim bin `Umar bin Al-Khattab, as their leader. So they set out, and when they reached (a place) between ‘Usfan and Mecca, they were mentioned to one of the branch tribes of Bani Hudhail called Lihyan. So, about one-hundred archers followed their traces till they (i.e. the archers) came to a journey station where they (i.e. `Asim and his companions) had encamped and found stones of dates they had brought as journey food from Medina. The archers said, “These are the dates of Medina,” and followed their traces till they took them over. When `Asim and his companions were not able to go ahead, they went up a high place, and their pursuers encircled them and said, “You have a covenant and a promise that if you come down to us, we will not kill anyone of you.” `Asim said, “As for me, I will never come down on the security of an infidel. O Allah! Inform Your Prophet about us.” So they fought with them till they killed `Asim along with seven of his companions with arrows, and there remained Khubaib, Zaid and another man to whom they gave a promise and a covenant. So when the infidels gave them the covenant and promise, they came down. When they captured them, they opened the strings of their arrow bows and tied them with it. The third man who was with them said, “This is the first breach in the covenant,” and refused to accompany them. They dragged him and tried to make him accompany them, but he refused, and they killed him. Then they proceeded on taking Khubaib and Zaid till they sold them in Mecca. The sons of Al-Harith bin `Amr bin Naufal bought Khubaib. It was Khubaib who had killed Al-Harith bin `Amr on the day of Badr. Khubaib stayed with them for a while as a captive till they decided unanimously to kill him. (At that time) Khubaib borrowed a razor from one of the daughters of Al- Harith to shave his pubic hair. She gave it to him. She said later on, “I was heedless of a little baby of mine, who moved towards Khubaib, and when it reached him, he put it on his thigh. When I saw it, I got scared so much that Khubaib noticed my distress while he was carrying the razor in his hand. He said ‘Are you afraid that I will kill it? Allah willing, I will never do that,’ ” Later on she used to say, “I have never seen a captive better than Khubaib Once I saw him eating from a bunch of grapes although at that time no fruits were available at Mecca, and he was fettered with iron chains, and in fact, it was nothing but food bestowed upon him by Allah.” So they took him out of the Sanctuary (of Mecca) to kill him. He said, “Allow me to offer a two-rak`at prayer.” Then he went to them and said, “Had I not been afraid that you would think I was afraid of death, I would have prayed for a longer time.” So it was Khubaib who first set the tradition of praying two rak`at before being executed. He then said, “O Allah! Count them one by one,” and added, ‘When I am being martyred as a Muslim, I do not care in what way I receive my death for Allah’s Sake, because this death is in Allah’s Cause. If He wishes, He will bless the cut limbs.” Then `Uqba bin Al-Harith got up and martyred him. The narrator added: The Quraish (infidels) sent some people to `Asim in order to bring a part of his body so that his death might be known for certain, for `Asim had killed one of their chiefs on the day of Badr. But Allah sent a cloud of wasps which protected his body from their messengers who could not harm his body consequently.
Hadith In Arabic Text :
حدثني إبراهيم بن موسى، أخبرنا هشام بن يوسف، عن معمر، عن الزهري، عن عمرو بن أبي سفيان الثقفي، عن أبي هريرة رضى الله عنه قال بعث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم سرية عينا، وأمر عليهم عاصم بن ثابت وهو جد عاصم بن عمر بن الخطاب فانطلقوا حتى إذا كان بين عسفان ومكة ذكروا لحي من هذيل، يقال لهم بنو لحيان، فتبعوهم بقريب من مائة رام، فاقتصوا آثارهم حتى أتوا منزلا نزلوه فوجدوا فيه نوى تمر تزودوه من المدينة فقالوا هذا تمر يثرب. فتبعوا آثارهم حتى لحقوهم، فلما انتهى عاصم وأصحابه لجئوا إلى فدفد، وجاء القوم فأحاطوا بهم، فقالوا لكم العهد والميثاق إن نزلتم إلينا أن لا نقتل منكم رجلا. فقال عاصم أما أنا فلا أنزل في ذمة كافر، اللهم أخبر عنا نبيك. فقاتلوهم حتى قتلوا عاصما في سبعة نفر بالنبل، وبقي خبيب، وزيد ورجل آخر، فأعطوهم العهد والميثاق، فلما أعطوهم العهد والميثاق نزلوا إليهم، فلما استمكنوا منهم حلوا أوتار قسيهم فربطوهم بها. فقال الرجل الثالث الذي معهما هذا أول الغدر. فأبى أن يصحبهم فجرروه وعالجوه على أن يصحبهم، فلم يفعل، فقتلوه، وانطلقوا بخبيب وزيد حتى باعوهما بمكة، فاشترى خبيبا بنو الحارث بن عامر بن نوفل، وكان خبيب هو قتل الحارث يوم بدر، فمكث عندهم أسيرا حتى إذا أجمعوا قتله استعار موسى من بعض بنات الحارث أستحد بها فأعارته، قالت فغفلت عن صبي لي فدرج إليه حتى أتاه، فوضعه على فخذه، فلما رأيته فزعت فزعة عرف ذاك مني، وفي يده الموسى فقال أتخشين أن أقتله ما كنت لأفعل ذاك إن شاء الله. وكانت تقول ما رأيت أسيرا قط خيرا من خبيب، لقد رأيته يأكل من قطف عنب، وما بمكة يومئذ ثمرة، وإنه لموثق في الحديد، وما كان إلا رزق رزقه الله، فخرجوا به من الحرم، ليقتلوه فقال دعوني أصلي ركعتين. ثم انصرف إليهم فقال لولا أن تروا أن ما بي جزع من الموت، لزدت. فكان أول من سن الركعتين عند القتل هو، ثم قال اللهم أحصهم عددا ثم قال ما أبالي حين أقتل مسلما على أى شق كان لله مصرعي وذلك في ذات الإله وإن يشأ يبارك على أوصال شلو ممزع ثم قام إليه عقبة بن الحارث فقتله، وبعث قريش إلى عاصم ليؤتوا بشىء من جسده يعرفونه، وكان عاصم قتل عظيما من عظمائهم يوم بدر، فبعث الله عليه مثل الظلة من الدبر، فحمته من رسلهم، فلم يقدروا منه على شىء.
Chapter : Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Maghaazi) – كتاب المغازى