Sahih Bukhari – Hadith No : 4048

Narrated `Urwa: Az-Zubair said, “I met Ubaida bin Sa`id bin Al-As on the day (of the battle) of Badr and he was covered with armor; so much that only his eyes were visible. He was surnamed Abu Dhat-al-Karish. He said (proudly), ‘I am Abu-al-Karish.’ I attacked him with the spear and pierced his eye and he died. I put my foot over his body to pull (that spear) out, but even then I had to use a great force to take it out as its both ends were bent.” `Urwa said, “Later on Allah’s Apostle asked Az-Zubair for the spear and he gave it to him. When Allah’s Apostle died, Az-Zubair took it back. After that Abu Bakr demanded it and he gave it to him, and when Abu Bakr died, Az-Zubair took it back. `Umar then demanded it from him and he gave it to him. When `Umar died, Az-Zubair took it back, and then `Uthman demanded it from him and he gave it to him. When `Uthman was martyred, the spear remained with `Ali’s offspring. Then `Abdullah bin Az-Zubair demanded it back, and it remained with him till he was martyred.

Hadith In Arabic Text :

حدثني عبيد بن إسماعيل، حدثنا أبو أسامة، عن هشام بن عروة، عن أبيه، قال قال الزبير لقيت يوم بدر عبيدة بن سعيد بن العاص وهو مدجج لا يرى منه إلا عيناه، وهو يكنى أبو ذات الكرش، فقال أنا أبو ذات الكرش‏.‏ فحملت عليه بالعنزة، فطعنته في عينه فمات‏.‏ قال هشام فأخبرت أن الزبير قال لقد وضعت رجلي عليه ثم تمطأت، فكان الجهد أن نزعتها وقد انثنى طرفاها‏.‏ قال عروة فسأله إياها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فأعطاه، فلما قبض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أخذها، ثم طلبها أبو بكر فأعطاه، فلما قبض أبو بكر سألها إياه عمر فأعطاه إياها، فلما قبض عمر أخذها، ثم طلبها عثمان منه فأعطاه إياها، فلما قتل عثمان وقعت عند آل علي، فطلبها عبد الله بن الزبير، فكانت عنده حتى قتل‏.‏

Chapter : Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Maghaazi) – كتاب المغازى