Narrated Jabir: We went out in a campaign and the army was called The Army of the Khabt, and Abu ‘Ubaida was our commander. We were struck with severe hunger. Then the sea threw a huge dead fish called Al- `Anbar, the like of which had never been seen. We ate of it for half a month, and then Abu ‘Ubaida took one of its bones (and made an arch of it) so that a rider could easily pass under it.
Hadith In Arabic Text :
حدثنا مسدد، حدثنا يحيى، عن ابن جريج، قال أخبرني عمرو، أنه سمع جابرا رضى الله عنه يقول غزونا جيش الخبط وأمر أبو عبيدة فجعنا جوعا شديدا فألقى البحر حوتا ميتا لم ير مثله يقال له العنبر فأكلنا منه نصف شهر فأخذ أبو عبيدة عظما من عظامه فمر الراكب تحته.
Chapter : Hunting; Slaughtering – كتاب الذبائح والصيد