Sunan Abi Da’ud – Hadith No : 5063

‘Ali said to Ibn A’bad : should I not tell you about me and about Fatimah, daughter of the Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him). She was dearest to him of his family. When she was with me, she pulled mill-stone which affected her hand; she carried water with the water-bag which affected the upper portion of her chest: She swept the house so much so that her clothes became dusty; and she cooked food by which her clothes became black, and it harmed her. We heard that some slaves had been brought to the prophet (May peace be upon him). I said: if you go to your father and ask him for a servant, that will be sufficient for you. She came to him and found some people talking to him. She felt shy and returned. Next morning he visited us when we were in our quilt. He sat beside her head, and she took her head into the quilt out of shame from her father. He asked: What need had you with me, O family of Muhammad? She kept silence twice. I then said : I swear by Allah, I shall tell you. She pulls the mile-stone which has affected her hand; she carrys water with the water-bag which has affected the upper portion of her chest; she sweeps the house by which her clothes have become dusty, and she cooks food by which her clothes have become black. We were told that some slaves or servants had come to you. So I said to her; ask him for a servant. He then mentioned the rest of the tradition to the same effect as mentioned by al-Hakam rather more perfectly.

Hadith In Arabic Text :

حدثنا مؤمل بن هشام اليشكري، حدثنا إسماعيل بن إبراهيم، عن الجريري، عن أبي الورد بن ثمامة، قال قال علي لابن أعبد ألا أحدثك عني وعن فاطمة بنت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وكانت أحب أهله إليه وكانت عندي فجرت بالرحى حتى أثرت بيدها واستقت بالقربة حتى أثرت في نحرها وقمت البيت حتى اغبرت ثيابها وأوقدت القدر حتى دكنت ثيابها وأصابها من ذلك ضر فسمعنا أن رقيقا أتي بهم إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقلت لو أتيت أباك فسألتيه خادما يكفيك ‏.‏ فأتته فوجدت عنده حداثا فاستحيت فرجعت فغدا علينا ونحن في لفاعنا فجلس عند رأسها فأدخلت رأسها في اللفاع حياء من أبيها فقال ‏”‏ ما كان حاجتك أمس إلى آل محمد ‏”‏ ‏.‏ فسكتت مرتين فقلت أنا والله أحدثك يا رسول الله إن هذه جرت عندي بالرحى حتى أثرت في يدها واستقت بالقربة حتى أثرت في نحرها وكسحت البيت حتى اغبرت ثيابها وأوقدت القدر حتى دكنت ثيابها وبلغنا أنه قد أتاك رقيق أو خدم فقلت لها سليه خادما ‏.‏ فذكر معنى حديث الحكم وأتم ‏.‏

Chapter : General Behavior (Kitab Al-Adab) – كتاب الأدب