Narrated ‘Uthman b. ‘Affan and Zaid b. Thabit: The bloodwit for what resembled intentional murder should be forty pregnant she-camels in their fifth year, thirty she-camels in their fourth year, and thirty she-camels in their third year. The bloodwit for unintentional murder is thirty she-camels in their fourth year, thirty she-camels in their third year, and twenty she-camels in their second year.
Hadith In Arabic Text :
حدثنا هناد، حدثنا أبو الأحوص، عن سفيان، عن أبي إسحاق، عن عاصم بن ضمرة، قال قال علي رضى الله عنه في الخطإ أرباعا خمس وعشرون حقة وخمس وعشرون جذعة وخمس وعشرون بنات لبون وخمس وعشرون بنات مخاض .
Chapter : Types of Blood-Wit (Kitab Al-Diyat) – كتاب الديات