Sahih Muslim – Hadith No : 6294

Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) never told a lie but only thrice: two times for the sake of Allah (for example, his words):” I am sick,” and his words:” But it was the big one amongst them which has done that” and because of Sara (his wife). He had come in a land inhabited by haughty and cruel men along with Sara. She was very good-looking amongst the people, so he said to her: If these were to know that you are my wife they would snatch you away from me, so if they ask you tell that you are my sister and in fact you are my sister in Islam, and I do not know of any other Muslim in this land besides I and you. And when they entered that land the tyrants came to see her and said to him (the king): ‘there comes to your land a woman, whom you alone deserve to possess, so he (the kings sent someone (towards her) and she was brought and Ibrahim (peace be upon him) stood in preyer, and when she visited him (the tyrant king came) he could help but stretch his hand towards her and his hand was tied up. He said: Supplicate Allah so that He may release my hand and I will do no harm to you. She did that and the man repeated (the same highhandedness) and his hand was again tied up more tightly than on the first occasion and he said to her like that and she again did that (supplicated), but he repeated (the same highhandedness and his hands were tied up more tightly than on the previous occasion). He then again said: Supplicate your Lord so that He may set my hand free; by. @ llah I shall do no harm to you. She did and his hand was freed. Then he called the person who had brought her and said to him: You have brought to me the satan and you have not brought to me a human being, so turn them out from my land, and he gave Hajira as a gift to her. She returned (along with Hajira) and when Ibrahim (peace be upon him) saw her, he said: How have you returned? She said: With full safety (have I returned). Allah held the hand of that debauch and he gave me a maid-servant. Abu Hiaraira said: O sons of the rain of the sky, she is your mother.

Hadith In Arabic Text :

وحدثني أبو الطاهر، أخبرنا عبد الله بن وهب، أخبرني جرير بن حازم، عن أيوب السختياني، عن محمد بن سيرين، عن أبي هريرة، أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال ‏”‏ لم يكذب إبراهيم النبي عليه السلام قط إلا ثلاث كذبات ثنتين في ذات الله قوله ‏{‏ إني سقيم‏}‏ ‏.‏ وقوله ‏{‏ بل فعله كبيرهم هذا‏}‏ وواحدة في شأن سارة فإنه قدم أرض جبار ومعه سارة وكانت أحسن الناس فقال لها إن هذا الجبار إن يعلم أنك امرأتي يغلبني عليك فإن سألك فأخبريه أنك أختي فإنك أختي في الإسلام فإني لا أعلم في الأرض مسلما غيري وغيرك فلما دخل أرضه رآها بعض أهل الجبار أتاه فقال له لقد قدم أرضك امرأة لا ينبغي لها أن تكون إلا لك ‏.‏ فأرسل إليها فأتي بها فقام إبراهيم عليه السلام إلى الصلاة فلما دخلت عليه لم يتمالك أن بسط يده إليها فقبضت يده قبضة شديدة فقال لها ادعي الله أن يطلق يدي ولا أضرك ‏.‏ ففعلت فعاد فقبضت أشد من القبضة الأولى فقال لها مثل ذلك ففعلت فعاد فقبضت أشد من القبضتين الأوليين فقال ادعي الله أن يطلق يدي فلك الله أن لا أضرك ‏.‏ ففعلت وأطلقت يده ودعا الذي جاء بها فقال له إنك إنما أتيتني بشيطان ولم تأتني بإنسان فأخرجها من أرضي وأعطها هاجر ‏.‏ قال فأقبلت تمشي فلما رآها إبراهيم عليه السلام انصرف فقال لها مهيم قالت خيرا كف الله يد الفاجر وأخدم خادما ‏.‏ قال أبو هريرة فتلك أمكم يا بني ماء السماء ‏.‏

Chapter : The Book Pertaining to the Excellent Qualities of the Holy Prophet (may Peace be upon them) and His – كتاب الفضائل